Thesis Submission
All students in the MSRED Program must submit a final thesis. The Submission cycles are as follows:
July Submission (Septemebr Degree List)
May Submission (June Degree List)
January Submission (February Degree List)
All students take 11.499 Thesis Prep in advance of writing their thesis.
Dual degree students may take the thesis prep option offered by their home department.
MSRED students typically submit their thesis in the summer but students on the 16-month track will submit in January. Many dual degree students will submit in May.
Beginning in the 2016 academic year, international students have the ability to participate in a summer internship in the US via an internship course elective which can be counted towards their degree requirements. Students who participate in the internship elective would register for the course during the summer semester and would be required to pay per-unit tuition fees. Thesis is considered full registration and is not subject to reduced tuition. Students registering only for the internship course in the summer are eligible to pay the reduced, per-unit fee for the summer.
Thesis Advising
If you are advising a student, please alert the MSRED staff if you have any concerns about your student and their ability to meet the datelines and successfully submit a thesis. Once you have approved of a student thesis, you need to sign off on their cover sheet and send the final grade to the graduate academic administrator.
All thesis will be submitted to the MIT Library/DSpace